We value the security and privacy of our customers very seriously. Your safety on the internet is very important to us. The privacy policies we have in place are detailed below in order to provide you with more effective service and educate you about the ways in which data is used.

We collect information about you.

It\’s important to understand what information we collect. We collect information about your email address, name, street address, business name, post code, country, city, telephone number and password and password, among other things. The information we collect can be gathered through a variety of methods. Cookies are used first to collect, consolidate, and save data which isn\’t personally identifiable. Personal identifiable data is data that is unique to you. Examples include your credit card number or the bank account you have. This data is specific to you.

Information is useful in many ways

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Registration and order

You\’ll be required to supply your name, shipping and billing addresses, telephone number, email address, and credit card number at the time you sign up. If you are required to provide your country of residence We will abide by all applicable laws. These types of information are taken to handle your billing and complete your order. The information collected could be used for internal marketing, or to inform clients about their purchase or on your website. If there\’s a problem with your order and we discover that information, the information we have collected can be used to contact.

Email Addresses

You can get amazing offers by signing up to our newsletter. We\’ll send your information if you choose to enter one of our contests.

3. Privacy Protection

In line with our normal business policies, we do not share (or rent) or trade personal data with other companies. We utilize cutting-edge encryption technologies. All employees have to sign confidentiality agreements, which prevent them from sharing their information with anyone else.